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澳门六合彩 “3R”学术论坛第20期
发布:2022-03-21   来源:  浏览:

题目:Writing papers for journal publication

主讲人:香港教育大学 黄铭洪 教授




主讲人简介:Professor Wong is currently Visiting Professor of ZUST, an Advisor (Environmental Science) of The Education University of Hong Kong, and the Editor-in-Chief of Environmental Geochemistry and Health (Springer Nature). His research areas included ‘Environmental health and toxicology,’ ‘Ecological restoration of contaminated sites,’ and ‘Resource reuse, focusing on using food waste for growing safe and quality fish.’ He has published over 770 SCI papers. According to the List of World’s Top 2% Scientists (Stanford University, 2020 and 2021), Professor Wong is ranked No. 6 (career-long) globally under Environmental Sciences.

He obtained a PhD (Durham), and a DSc each from Durham University and Strathclyde University in 1992 and 2004, respectively (based on his publications). He was awarded the Croucher Senior Fellow (Croucher Foundation of Hong Kong) in 1997; the Royal Society Visiting Fellow (Royal Society, UK) in 2000; Emeritus Professor (Hong Kong Baptist University) in 2013; Chang Jiang Chair Professor (Ministry of Education of China) in 2014, the Milton Gordon Award for Excellence in Phytoremediation (International Phytotechnology Society) in 2016; Fellow of the Society of Environmental Geochemistry and Health (SEGH) in 2018; and Silver Medal (for Upgrading Food Waste as Fish Feeds) of the International Inventions (Geneva) in 2019.

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